About Me

JannaPicAbout me…this is where I talk about myself.  This is where I stare at my computer screen and wonder what on earth people would want to know about me.

Well, for starters, I am married to a wonderful stud muffin named Russell, and we have 3 beautiful children.  We also have a dog, a cat, and over summers we have a chameleon.  Side note: chameleons are AMAZING!

I love my family, and my friends…and really, I  just love people.  I also love being in nature, specifically the mountains, but don’t escape to it often enough.  I love coffee and baked goods, and I love partaking of both with a girlfriend and good conversation, or tucked away in a comfy corner of my home with a good book.  And oh do I love to dream!

But more than anything, I love my Heavenly Father.  He is so good, so full of grace and love.  In the storms and in the quiet, my favorite place is holding tight to Him. It’s my only place of peace, and there I remember that I don’t have to have everything under control or figured out.  I’m just called to love and obey.  Everything else?  He’s got that.

And today I want to tell you, whether you’ve heard it a million times or never, that you are so dear to God’s heart and He loves you so very much.